Legend Attributes
Many of the skills that are used in The Matrix RPG are exactly the same as those used in the Star Wars RPG. However, I have made a few changes. The links below lead to each Attribute and explanations of the skills they control (many of the skills are more completely explained in the West End Games rulebooks). Attributes:
Time Taken: One round
Specializations:Tumbling, Balancing, Swinging
Acrobatics is used whenever a character
attempts to make an unusual or difficult maneuver with her body. A character
may attempt an Acrobatics check if they fall or are thrown to the ground
to roll to her feet or avoid damage (roll Acrobatics versus the damage.
If the Acrobatics roll is higher, subtract the difference from the damage
Acrobatics may also be used in combat. If
a character uses Acrobatics during combat they can potentially reap one
of the following benefits:
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: None.
Dodge is the art of getting out of the way.
A character need only make one Dodge roll per round. The result becomes
the base difficulty for anyone shooting or throwing anything at the character.
Thus, if a character makes a Dodge roll and has 4 successes, enemies will
need at least 4 successes to hit the character. The Dodge result
the base difficulty, thus a bad Dodge result can put the character in a
worse position than if he had just stood still. Dodge may also be
used to get out of the way of other objects that are not purposely aimed
at the character, such as falling boulders, careening busses or out-of-control
Time Taken: One action. Many guns can only be fired
a limited number of times per round.
Specializations: Particular weapons types. For example,
Firearms: Rifles.
Difficulty: Depends on Range.
With Firearms, a character is familiar with
aiming a gun and pulling the trigger. As you might imagine, it's
quite popular among Matrix Hackers.
Heavy Weapons
Time Taken: One action. Most heavy weapons cannot
be fired more than once per round.
Specializations: Particular weapons types. For example,
Heavy Weapons: Grenade Launcher.
Difficulty: Depends on Range.
Heavy Weapons represents the serious military-style
armament that normal citizens will never see, let alone use. It includes
mortars, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, and heavy machine guns (like
M60's). While the ability to cause an immense amount of damage is
attractive to many Matrix Hackers, these weapons are often quite difficult
to conceal and therefor are rarely carried..
Martial Arts
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: none.
Difficulty: Moderate for landing a simple blow.
Difficulty increases for Special Manuevers (see below).
Martial Arts covers the study of unarmed
hand-to-hand combat. Many of the Resuscitated use programs to train in
an amalgam of styles. At character creation, the character receives
one special maneuver for each die they place in the skill.
When the character advances with experience, each special move costs an
additional 8 CP's (a character can buy as many as he would like).
Example: Rom has a Dexterity of 3D and at character creation adds an additional die into Martial Arts (giving him a total of 4D in Martial Arts). He chooses Disarm, Elbow Smash, Multiple Strikes, and Power Block. Later, he increases the Martial Arts skill from 4D to 5D (costing 12 CP's) and decides to purchase Spinning Kick for an additional 8 CP's.The Base Damage Value for a character with Martial Arts is 2D. For every 3 levels the character has in Martial Arts, he receives an additional 1 die to his BDV (thus a character with 3D will have a BDV of 3D).
The standard Difficulty for each move is given in parenthesis.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: none
Difficulty: Easy. May be increased if there are
obstacles or the character is burdened.
Running includes not only the ability to
move your feet rapidly, but also of avoiding objects and stumbling while
you are doing so. Running is often one of those essential skills
for avoiding becoming dead.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Particular objects: grenades, spears,
This covers the hand-eye coordination required to
pick something up and hit a target. Difficulty depends on whether
the object was designed to be thrown and range.
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Difficulty: Easy. May be increased for particularly obscure
or secret bureaucratic information.
This character has an unfortunately advanced
knowledge of how bureaucracies work. They will know who is in charge
of what duties, where paperwork is kept, and what processes must be followed
to get something done in a bureaucratic chain of command. Every species
has its own kind on bureaucracy, and a smart individual can learn how to
use it to his advantage. The nature of the Machines lend them to
an almost supremely bureaucratic structure and division of labor.
In the Realworld, characters may use this skill to discren the various
functions, access, security and, perhaps, weaknesses, of the various robotic
Time of Use: usually ongoing.
Difficulty: Moderate for most matters.
This character knows how economic principles
can be best applied to a given situation. They can organize profit-making
ventures, find appropriate contacts, and recognize needed resources.
Time of Use: 1 round to several minutes.
Specializations: Particular cultures.
Difficulty: Easy for commonplace practices or beliefs.
Add Difficulty as the knowledge becomes more specific or arcane.
Cultures represents a character's knowledge
regarding other societies and their structures, beliefs, and practices.
It can be used as an insight into motivations or to act appropriate
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Specializations: Particular areas of study.
Education indicates the depth of the character's
academic background. Characters may make Education checks in areas
that require general knowledge, such as Geography, History, Greek mythology,
basic mathematics, etc. This differs from Social Sciences, Life Sciences
and Physical Sciences in that the knowledge is not generally applicable
to real problems in front of the character--it only indicates that the
character has a very general knowledge.
The table below gives a rough idea of what each
level in Education represents. Note that it is not necessary to go to college
to have a level 3 or 4 Education, it just means that the character has
invested time in learning on his own (in fact, lots of people who
graduate from college never paid much attention and might only have a level
2 Education).
Elementary School |
High School |
College |
Post-graduate studies |
Advanced studies |
World reknowned scholar |
Revolutionary scholar |
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy for basic geographical information. Difficulty
increases for lesser known or conflicting information.
Specializations: Particular regions (North America, Southeast
Asia, the Moon, etc.).
Geography covers the knowledge of places
and their characteristics in the world. A skilled geographer will
know such common knowledge as capitals and borders, as well as more esoteric
information such local curiousities and perhaps even secret routes or sacred
places. This skill also includes familiarit with electronic and computer
devices, such as GIS software and GPS transceivers.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Difficulty: Opposing roll vs. target (person being intimidated).
Difficulty may be increased given the circumstances or disposition of the
Specializations: None.
This character is skilled at scaring, bullying,
and basically throwing his weight around. It is most often used to
get people to do what one wants out of fear. Targets may provide
information, goods, or services. Usually, however, the target will
bear a grudge and use of this skill won't win the character many friends.
Language (Special) [Particular Language]
Time of Use: 1 action to speak, 1 round to translate.
Difficulty: Easy for common languages (English, Chinese,
Farsi). Difficulty increases with more rare languages or dialects.
Specializations: Any Language skill is considered a Specialization.
See below.
When a character selects Lanuguage, he must choose
a particular language in which he is skilled. All characters are
considered to have a Languages skill of 3D in their native language.
Note: This is different from the Languages skill
as presented in the Star Wars RPG.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy for knowing basic information.
Difficulty increases for understanding more complex legal regimes or employing
legal knowledge ni a professional manner (trying a case, etc.).
Specializations: Particular areas of the law: Enforcement;
Torts, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, etc.
With Law, a character understands how legal
regimes work and what must be done in order to comply with those laws.
Skilled characters may attempt to use the law to defend themselves (or
others), gain access to information, or have the weight of authority brought
done upon another person (i.e., charging them with a crime). Zion,
in the Realworld, has a different set of laws than those in the Matrix,
and characters familiar with one set of laws may be unskilled in another.
Matrix Orientation
Time Taken: 1d6 rounds
Matrix Orientation allows
someone who is accessing the Matrix (either an Operator or a Runner) to
know what part of the physical machinery they are linking into. Furthermore,
it allows them to trace where someone else is accessing the Matrix as well.
To use this skill, the character must concentrate on the target for 1d6
Example: For example, Rom is suverveilling a possible candidate for Resuscitation inside the Matrix. He uses Matrix Orientation to figure out that the Coppertop's physical body is plugged into the Matrix at the farm node that was once Los Angeles.SciencesAnother time, Rom and his crew are being dogged by a particularly crafty Agent. They decide to find out where this Agent's program is housed and destroy it in the Real World. Rom uses Matrix Orientation to learn that this Agent's software is kept in the heavily guarded data fortress located in what was Paris.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy. Difficulty may be increased if
used in a city unfamiliar to the character.
Specializations: May specialize in particular niches of
society (drugs, hitmen, hacking, etc.) or particular regions (Zion, New
York, San Francisco, Paris, etc.).
Streetwise represents a character's ability to
tap into the resources of the darker side of society. This skill
may be used to procure stolen items, contact assassins, or score some drugs.
It may also be used to find more unsavory and alien creatures and items.
Time of Use: One roll should represent 1 "event."
Specializations: Particular habitats: Forest, Jungle,
Urban, Aquatic, Desert, Arctic, etc.
A character with Survival may attempt to
endure the rigors of the natural world in a number of environments and
situations. The skill is used when the character must find food and
shelter or take other actions to survive in the wild. Note that
only covers what is needed for substinence. If you want to build a nice
house like they have on Gilligan's Island, you'd better learn Craftsmanship:
Carpentry or something similar...Difficulty levels increase when the character
is using Survival not only for himself but to aid others as well.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy for common religions. Difficulty
increases for more obscure belief systems or secret practices.
Specializations: Particular religions: Catholicism, Buddism,
Matrix Messianic beliefs, etc.
Theology represents a character's knowledge about
metaphysical beliefs and their dogmatic counterparts. The person
with this skill is familiar not only with the underlying beliefs, but also
the practices and important texts and artifacts associated with the
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Particular types of forces: SWAT, Agents,
Resistance Fighters, etc.
Difficulty: Dependent upon the situation, often as an
opposed roll against the leader of the enemy force.
Tactics is used whenever a commander attempts
to guide his troops into battle. It may also be used to second-guess
an opponent and predict means of attack.
Time of Use: 1 round to several if the
character must research the item.
Specializations: particular types of items (jewelry, weapons,
technology, texts, etc.)
Difficulty: Easy. GM's should freely modify this
difficulty, depnding on the obscurity of the item.
Value represents the a familiarity with the
economic value of things--books, real estate, collectibles, etc.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: None.
Willpower represents the strength of the
character's mind and ability to resist outside influences. Characters
must make Willpower checks to avoid temptations, fight the powers of suggestive
drugs, and remain conscious when physically weak or in extreme pain.
Aircraft Weaponry
Time of Use: One round.
Specializations: Weapons on a particular aircraft type:
airplane, helicopter, hovercraft etc.
Aircraft Weaponry covers all weapons that
are mounted on flying vehicles, including hovercraft.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: None.
Difficulty: usually Easy.
Represents familiarity with various forms
of communication devices and how to best use or repair them.
Drive Automobile
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Particular types of 4-wheeled (or more)
vehicles, such as sports cars, limousines, trucks, etc.
Drive Automobile applies to the conduction
of commonplace passenger vehicles. It won't do you a lick of good in a
Drive Motorcycle
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Particular types of 2 or 3-wheeled vehicles,
such as motorcycles, ATV's, etc.
Drive Motorcycle represents a character's
skill at handling 2- or 3-wheel cycles. Because of their speed and
dexterity, motorcyles are a favored conveyance among Hackers making a run
in the Matrix.
Mounted Artillery
Time of use: One round.
Specializations: Certain weapon types such as: Gating
gun, 20 mm Cannon, Missile Launcher, etc.
Difficulty: Depends on Range (see Combat section).
Mounted Artillery is used whenever a character
is firing a weapon that has been fixed on a land based vehicle, such as
a jeep or hovertank.
Time of Use: One to several rounds, depending on the length
and complexity of the course charted.
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate, depending on the information
available to the navigator (charts, compass, current location, etc.).
Specializations: Particular environments: Terrestrial,
Acquatic, Subterranean, Outer Space, etc.
A character skilled in Navigation may use any available
information to discren her current whereabouts and plot the best course
to arrive at another location. She can read maps, instruments, perform
necessary calculations, correct for errors, and generally avoid getting
lost. Even without charts and gear, this character may use local
cues (such as the sun or stars) to figure out their location and plot a
course of travel.
Operate Exoskelton
Time of Use: One round.
Difficulty: Easy for basic piloting. Particularly
rough terrain or complicated manuevers may require higher rolls.
Specializations: Specific exoskeleton models.
With this skill, the
character knows how to use the massive exoskeletons used to defend Zion.
Standing over twenty feet tall and armed with heavy gatling guns, these
exoskeletons provide a last line of defense against Machine invaders.
While the exoskeletons are rarely used in assaults, they have proven useful
for repelling Squids that have come too close to Zion's defensive perimeter.
Exoskeletons are also used for heavy construction operations within Zion
itself and to lift large cargo into and out of hoverships.
Pilot Airplane
Time of Use: One round.
Difficulty: Easy for basic piloting. Particular
weather conditions (wind, etc.) and manuevers may increase difficulty (E.g.,
trying to keep the heliopter in one place while someone tries to jump onto
the landing gear, etc.).
Specializations: Particular kinds of airplanes, such as
Propeller Airplanes, Jets, etc.
Pilot Airplane permits
a character to perform all the activities required to pilot planes--including
instrument reading and navigation, basic mechanical checks, the required
radio communications, and the actual piloting.
Pilot Helicopter
Time of Use: One round.
Difficulty: Easy for basic piloting. Particular
weather conditions (wind, etc.) and manuevers may increase difficulty (E.g.,
trying to keep the heliopter in one place while someone tries to jump onto
the landing gear, etc.).
Specializations: Particular kinds of helicopters
Pilot Helicopter
a character to perform all the activities required to pilot helicopters--including
instrument reading and navigation, basic mechanical checks, the required
radio communications, and the actual piloting.
Pilot Hovercraft
Time of Use: One round.
Difficulty: Easy for basic piloting. Particular
weather conditions (wind, etc.) and manuevers may increase difficulty (E.g.,
trying to keep the heliopter in one place while someone tries to jump onto
the landing gear, etc.).
Specializations: Particular kinds of hovercraft, such
as Hovertrucks, Hovertanks, and Hoverships.
Pilot Hovercraft
permits the use to control any vehicle that relies on repulsor-lift technology
as a means of propulsion.
Pilot Tank or Armored Vehicle
Time of Use: One round.
Difficulty: Easy for basic piloting. Particular
weather conditions (wind, etc.) and manuevers may increase difficulty (E.g.,
trying to keep the heliopter in one place while someone tries to jump onto
the landing gear, etc.).
Specialzations: Particular types of armored vehicles and
Pilot Tank/Armored Vehicle covers training
in military armored combat vehicles of all types.
Ride Horse
Time of Use: One round.
Difficulty: Easy for basic piloting. Particular
weather conditions (wind, etc.) and manuevers may increase difficulty (E.g.,
trying to keep the heliopter in one place while someone tries to jump onto
the landing gear, etc.).
Specialzations: Particular types of armored vehicles and
Pilot Tank/Armored Vehicle covers training
in military armored combat vehicles of all types.
Time of Use: One round.
Difficulty: Easy. Interference and distance may
increase the difficulty.
Specialzations: Particular scanner types (radar, motion
detectors, etc.)
Sensors includes all skills necessary to
employ sensing instruments, such as radar and other scanners. It
may also be used to devise counter-measures or jam such devices.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Bargaining over certain items:
weapons, food, ships, etc.
Difficulty: Typically an opposed roll against the other
bargaining party.
Bargain represents the character's
ability to haggle over just about anything. In the the markets of
Zion, nearly everything is up for sale, and merchants tend to be shrewd.
Without this skill, characters may find themselves much more than they
should for goods and services. The table below gives general outcomes
of Bargain "battles": If the winner is the buyer, reduce the
"real price" (GM's discretion) by the Price Multiplier. If the winner is
the seller, inflate the price accordingly.
Loser's Success |
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Commanding certain types of troops:
Infantry, Battleships, Robot Setinels, etc.
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate depending on the situation.
Can be easier or hardier depending on the skill and morale of the troops.
With this skill, a character can manage, direct
and mobilize others in a wide variety of endeavors. She knows how
to give clear instructions and inspire obediance and prompt response.
In the heat of battle, an able commander is essential.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Certain types of cons: disguise,
fast-talking, forgery, etc.
Difficulty: Opponants may make a Willpower or Knowledge
opposing roll to rat out a Conning player.
Con represents a character's ability to bend
the truth and slide by on fast-talking. It also includes other ways
of being less than honest--disguise, forgery, etc.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: None.
Difficulty: Dependent upon the situation (see below).
Faith is a manifestation of the character's
ability to believe that the Matrix is nothing more than an electronic construct.
As the character's Faith grows, they are more likely to be able
to resist the false images the Matrix projects, deflect perceived damage,
and trust in their own ability to control the Matrix. GM's may occasionally
have the characters make Faith checks to see whether they fall subject
to the Matrix's illusions. At times, the GM may require a Faith Check
and set the Difficulty level equal to the number of Skeptic Points that
the character has (generally assigning 1 Difficulty level per Skeptic Point).
At other times, the GM may create a generic Difficulty level dependent
on the situation (and the "convincing" nature of the situation in the Matrix).
Time of Use: 1 round. Can roll for whole "games" or gambling
Specializations: Particular games: Poker, Blackjack, etc.
Difficulty: Depends on the game. Generally, Easy
for simple games up to Very Difficult for very complex ones. Can
be used as an Opposing Action against other gamblers.
Gambling is quite common in both the Realworld and
the Matrix. In the Realworld, there usually exists little use for
money, even in Zion. But goods of like value or services ("I'll take
your turn cleaning the bilge.") are often thrown in the pot.
Time of Use: 1 round. May be more for larger items.
Specializations: Hiding particular objects (personal items
on one's body; caches in the wild; smuggled cargo).
Difficulty: Easy for small items. Difficulty increases
with the size and unwieldiness of items.
With Hide, a character can attempt to conceal
items from the view or discovery of others. A skilled character may
conceal weapons on her body and know various tricks for fooling detectors;
or she may know all the tricks of the smuggling trade--trap doors, false
bottoms, etc.
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours or days.
Difficulty: Highly variable, depending on the circumstance.
Easy for general background checks and research. Difficult for probing
into deep, dark secrets.
Specializations: Particular areas of investigation: crime,
forensics, scholarly research, etc.
A character with Investigation has honed her ability
to pick up on clues, follow complex paper-trails, and put together disparate
pieces of puzzles. This skill often comes in handy for routing out
criminals, uncovering secret motivations behind business transactions,
and discovering the truth behind long, lost secrets.
Time of Use: One round. Use of this skill does not
count as an action.
Specializations: Multitasking certain kinds of actions,
such as shooting and dodging, piloting a hovercraft while firing weapons,
Multitasking permits a character to attempt
multiple actions without accruing penalties for taking more than one action
in a round. Essentially, this skill allows the user to walk and chew
gum at the same time.
Difficult | One additional action without penalty. |
Heroic | Two additional actions without penalty. |
Time of Use: 1 round. Can roll for one whole performace.
Specializations: Particular performance arts: music,
acting, visual art, etc.
Difficulty: Moderate. Vary difficulty depending
on the quality and intricacy of the art attempted.
With Perform, a character can attempt just
about any art form. From song-and-dance to sculpture, the character
can express herself and perhaps make a buck or two for the effort.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Particular forms of persuasive speech:
Seduction, Oration, Debate,
Difficulty: Easy. Targets may make Opposed Willpower
rolls to set a Difficulty.
Persuasion measures a character's ability
to convice others of just about anything. It does not include the
ability to bark orders (see Command), but rather to debate with logic,
appeal to sympathy, and otherwise verbally convince others to see things
the character's way.
Time of Use: Depends on difficulty (See below).
Specializations: Detecting certain behavioral patterns
such as lying, worry, anger, apprehension, guilt etc.
With Profile, a character can attempt to
size up a target, making educated estimates of the target's emotional and
mental state. The longer the skill user studies her subject, the
greater chance she will draw the appropriate conclusions. The base
difficulty is the target's opposing Willpower check. Additional difficulty
modifiers are as follows:
Surface emotions | + 0 |
Emotions or thoughts the target actively attempting to hide | + 1 |
Emotions or thoughts that the target is in denial about | +2 |
Emotions or thoughts that the target doesn't even know he's having (secretly in love with someone, etc.) | +3 |
Attempting to use this skill in a single round | +3 |
Spending 3 rounds to use this skill. | +2 |
Spending 5 rounds using this skill. | +1 |
Spending a full minute using this skill. | +0 |
Interviewing target (asking personal questions). | -3 |
Observing the target closely for more than one hour. | -2 |
Time of Use: GM's discretion. It depends on how
large the area searched is and what is being sought.
Specializations: None.
Search represents the character's ability to pick
up on clues, notice little details, and general alertness to her surroundings.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Type of habitat in which character seeks
to be stealth: Forest, Urban, Aquatic, etc.
Difficulty: Easy. May be more difficult depending
on the conditions or what the character is wearing or carrying.
With Stealth, a character attempts to move
unnoticed. This skill includes walking silently as well as hiding
in shadows and blending in with a crowd. A character using stealth
moves at half-speed (walking). To move quickly while being stealthy,
the character must endure increased difficulty levels (GM's discretion).
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Tracking in particular habitats:
Forest, Jungle, Urban, Subterranean, Desert, Arctic, etc.
Difficulty: Easy to Difficult depending what is being
tracked and where.
Tracking represents the skill of following
and catching "prey." This does not include the ability to kill or
trap it (those are different skills). However, the character can
pick up on small traces, estimate how long it has been since the prey was
in the area, and make educated guesses as to the condition of the animal.
Time Taken: One action.
Specializations: none.
Difficulty: Easy (2).
Brawling covers basic hand-to-hand combat.
It is less graceful than Martial Arts, but can be equally effective.
A character trained in Brawling begins with a 2D for his Base Damage Value.
For every 3 levels in Brawling, his BDV increases by 1 die. Thus
a character with 3D in Brawling will have a BDV of 3D.
Note: Brawling and Martial
Arts is handled different in this D6 Legend game than it is in the DC Universe.
As always, GM's and players should go with whichever system they think
is best.
Time Take: One action (but GM's may decide to have characters
just roll once for an entire "pitch")
Specializations: Different things climbed: buildings,
trees, rock faces.
Difficulty: Moderate.
While Climbing covers the actual act
of scampering up something, it may also be used when a character tries
to do things like hold on to the hood of a speeding car (the "TJ Hooker
maneuver") or grab on to the struts of a helicopter as it takes off, etc.
The difficulty may be increased if the character is burdened or wearing
Time of Use: 1 action. Note that "big" jumps may require
a certain amount of "hang time." GM's should consider this in modifing
difficulties for other actions that are attempted while the character is
in the air.
Specializations: None.
Difficulty: A die result of 3 or higher is a Success.
The distance covered depends on the number of successed gained. See
Jumping is not really an "academic" skill,
but it is a talent that may be cultured nonetheless. You may notice
a somewhat strange progression in the distance covered and the number of
successes. This is because almost anyone can jump at least a little,
but only a few people can really jump far. 9 Successes are about the maximum
that an Olympic jumper could get (assuming they didn't use Wild Dice, Chi
or Character Points--all of which, I think, are illegal at the Olympics)--this
assumes a Strength of 4 + Jumping skill of 6 (World Class) and a getting
successes on nearly all the dice. After 9 successes, the distance
increases dramatically. This is because the jumper will only get
this far if aided by technology (cybernetics) or some other "superhuman"
means (Matrix skills, Chi or Character Points).
I would recommend to GM's that 9 successes be the
"maximum" allowed any non-augmented jumper (this includes the use of Chi
and CP's) because the laws of physics and gravity have to apply somewhere.
There is simply no way for a "normal" human to jump 50 feet horizontally!
Horizontal: about 1 foot.
Vertical: about 1 foot. |
Horitzontal: about 2.5 feet.
Vertical: about 3 feet. |
Horizontal: about 4 feet.
Vertical: about 4 feet. |
Horizontal: about 6 feet.
Vetical: about 5.5 feet. |
Horizontal: about 10 feet
Vertical: about 6 feet |
Horizontal: about 15 feet.
Vertical: about 7 feet |
Horizontal: about 20 feet.
Vertical: about 8 feet |
Horizontal: about 25 feet.
Vertical: about 10 feet. |
Horizontal: about 30 feet (this is about the current world record).
Vertical: about 12 feet. |
Horizontal: about 40 feet.
Vertical: about 15 feet. |
Beyond 10 Succeses, a jumper may only achieve these distances if aided by technology. Even Chi and CP's should not be permitted to carry a jumper this far. | ||
Horizontal: about 75 feet
Vertical: about 35 feet. |
Horizontal: about 100 feet.
Vertical: about 50 feet. |
Horizontal: about 125 feet.
Vertical: about 75 feet. |
For each additional success, add about 25 feet to the result. |
Time Taken: 1 action
Specializations: none
Difficulty: Depends upon the weight and bulkiness of the item.
Lifting represents more an innate ability
than a learned skill (though you can certainly learn the "correct" way
to lift heavy objects). Difficulty depends on the weight of the object.
The table below indicates the difficulty of lifting a common object of
about the provided weight. Characters will be able to life much more
than this amount if they bench press (approximately 3 x the amount)
or do a dead lift (approximately 4x this amount)
Time of Use: 1 round. Generally not considered an action.
Specializations: Particular forms of exercise (Climbing,
Running, Swimming, etc) or duress (Exhaustion, Drugs, Torture, etc.).
Difficulty: Variable. Generally, Easy for an initial
Attempt. For each additional check after the first, for the same
activity, the GM may add 5 to the Difficulty unless the player has stopped
to rest.
Characters must make Stamina checks when
they exert themselves physically and begin to push the limits of their
energy. The GM may decide when rolls are appropriate. For example,
if a character is chasing a thief through sewer tunnel, he will make a
Running roll. If the chase continues for a long time, the GM will
ask the character to make an Stamina roll. If he fails, he
will have to stop running to catch his breath. The difficulty of
the rolls should increase with the time of the physical exertion.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: None.
Difficulty: Easy. Increases with water conditions
and character's burdens (weight, another person, etc.).
When you know how to
swim, you generally won't drown. This is a good thing.
Armor repair
Time of Use: Generally several minutes or hours, depending on
the extent of damage and complexity of the armor).
Specializations: Particular kinds of armor, probably best characterized
by time period ("Medieval", "Modern", "Post-Modern" for power-armor, etc)..
Difficulty: Easy for simple fixes to Very Difficult for
rebuilds of power armor.
This character is very familar with various
forms of personal protection and armor and can fix or build such items
with precision and speed.
Computer Operations
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours depending on the action
Specializations: Particular actions: Matrix Hacking
(using the complex computers and progams necessary to break into the Matrix's
code), Code hacking (use programs to break into "modern" computers), Decryption,
Difficulty: Easy for accessing basic information and running
programs. Increased for complex actions like Hacking (Difficult to
Ex. Difficult) and breaking encryptions (depending on the strength of the
Computer Ops represents an overall ability
to use and manipulate computers. The character can access files,
load programs, and manipulate computers to get a wide variety of information
(whether through the Matrix or, once within the Matrix, the "internet").
Real World computers are much more complex than
those used by characters when they are actually inside the Matrix.
Thus, a Rescuscitated character may suffer penalties when using Real World
computers (at least for a while). This skill may also be used to
diagnosis problems or propose improvements, though the actual work requires
Computer Repair. Finally, while Computer Operations gives
the character the ability to use computers well, the skill does not reflect
any ability to actually create programs (see Computer Programming below).
Computer Programming
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours depending on the action
Specializations: Particular program languages: Matrix
Code, HTML, C, Java, .
Difficulty: See below:
Very Easy (1) to Easy (2). | Writing a basic program for a "primitive" operating system (such as Windows within the Matrix). |
Easy (2)-Moderate (3) | Writing a trace program for the Matrix; complex data access and management; simple Matrix objects (a knife, etc.). |
Difficult (4) | Basic autonomous software agents (rudimentary AI) (e.g., "the Lady in Red"). Code-objects with complex effects on the Matrix (a "red pill", a piece of cake that creates sexual ecstasy). |
Very Difficult (5+) | Complex, autonomous programs. Wholly new objects for the Matrix (i.e., something that has never existed before). |
Computer Progamming represents the skills
necessary to create new code that can be used on any computer system.
The code must conform to the language that the system will understand.
Thus, a programmer who hopes to manipuate computer systems within the Matrix,
say those that are running the UNIX operating system, must be familiar
with the programming languages understood by that OS. Likewise, a
programmer must understand Matrix Code in order to create programs that
will run within the Matrix system itself.
Zion hackers generally have a large library of pre-fabricated
programs for use during a Matrix run. Thus, an operator need not
create a program for the common firearms, armor, or explosives used by
Matrix runners, he simply needs to locate the program file in his computer
and upload it to the Construct (this requires a Computer Operations
Programs may be copied from the Matrix for later
use. For example, if a Matrix runner is holding a particular weapon
when she exits the Matrix (via a hardline), the routine that governs the
behavior of that weapon in the Matrix will be copied to the Jumpship's
computers and can be accessed again at a later time.
It is possible to create autonomous software programs
within the Matrix. These can be made to resemble human beings (though
they may also take other forms). Most autonomous programs are very
basic and have an extremely limited AI. These AI tend to adhere very
strictly to very particular rules and guidelines and will not deviate from
their command code. The most basic of these programs are rarely encountered
by "normal" humans, but when they are, they come across as very strict
bureaucrats. However, some autonomous programs have wider behavioral
parameters and are able to learn and develop unique behaviors. The
Agents are one such type. It is possible for a Matrix coder to create
such autonomous programs and let them loose in the Matrix. However,
most "deviant" programs either delete themselves or are hunted and deleted
by the system.
It is extremely unlikely that a human coder could
create a program as autonomous and intelligent as an Agent or some of the
other high-level programs existing within the Matrix. Some of those
programs, such as the Architect and the Oracle, were created early on in
the Matrix's existence to facilitate the construction of a system that
would be acceptable to most of the humans plugged into it. Other
autonomous programs, such as Keymaker, Seraph, Persephone, or the nefarious
Twins, are highly intelligent and extremely autonomous, often with their
own motivations, strategies and even emotions. However, it is concievable
that an extremely talented coder could create a program that was sufficiently
adaptable to learn and "grow" to the level of these programs.
Computer Repair
Time of Use: Several minutes to hours.
Difficulty: Easy for basic repairs and upgrades
(swapping RAM, adding a new drive). Increase Difficulty for complex
diagnosis or the complexity of the machine (Matrix computers are much more
complex than those used in the world created by the Matrix ("modern" computers
like IBM's and Macs)).
With this skill the character may attempt all forms
of repairs, upgrades, and even construction of new computers. It works
in both the Real World and the Matrix, though characters who have been
resuscitated often must study and learn how the Real World computers work
before being able to repair them efficiently. Characters with Electronics
may attempt to fix some parts of computers (replacing a power source, for
example), but will lack the understanding of how a computer works and will
not be able to repair extensive or complicated damage.
Craftsmanship [Carpentry, Masonry, Ceramics, Sewing,
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours, to several days
to finish a project.
Specializations: Particular areas within the area of craftsmanship.
For example, a character may choose Carpentry: Furniture making.
When a player choose Craftsmanship for a
character, he should also choose a particular category. The character
is considered unskilled in all other areas of that category. Such
skills are extremely useful in the Real World and characters may often
barter their abilities or skills for goods and services.
Cybernetics (A)
Prerequisistes: Electronics 3D, Medicine 3D, (to
implant or remove cybernetics).
Special: A character with cybernetic implants can take
this skill as a regular (non-advanced) skill to work on his implants only.
This represents a basic understanding of the equipment that has been put
into the character's body (to do basic repairs and upkeep). The character
does not need to meet any prerequisites (except to have at least one implant).
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours or days. GM's
Difficulty: Easy to perform basic repairs and diagnostics.
Moderate to peform modest upgrades or to repair lightly damage systems.
Difficult to repair heavily damage systems (1/4-1/2 structural points).
Very difficult to repair trashed systems (0 structural points) or to come
up with novel cybernetics.
Cybernetics includes the development,
maintenance and upgrading of cybernetic systems, including how they can
be integrated into the body. When operating on a cyborg to repair
or implant cybernetic systems, the surgeon must make an appropriate Cybernetics
and a Medicine: Surgery roll. Matrix Hackers typically know
how to care for their cybernetic implants (cleaning and diagnostics) but
cannot perform complex actions like removal or upgrades.
Time of Use: 1 round to several minutes.
Specializations: Particular explosives.
Difficulty: Moderate or higher (generally).
A character skilled in Demolitions is able to recognize,
build and disarm bombs of all sorts. It's a very dangerous skill
to employ, since failure often results in detonation. Regardless,
it's usually better to attempt to disarm a bomb than just let it
sit and go off by itself!
Time of Use: 1 round
Difficulty: Varies greatly. Usually Moderate (15).
Specializations: Various electronic devices: optics;
shield generators; starship systems; building systems; etc.
Electronics represents a comprehensive
knowledge of "things with wires." Got it?
First Aid
Time of Use: 1 round for each Wound Level suffered by patient
(it is more difficulty to help people who are more hurt).
Difficulty: Varies greatly. See
Actions & Combat: Healing (First Aid).
Specializations: Tending to various kinds of injuries:
bullet wounds; broken bones; poisoning, etc.
First Aid training gives a character
the knowledge to tend to injuries and minor illnesses (such as nausea and
headaches). The character will be familar with using basic medical
supplies, such as bandages and antiseptic, but will not be able to perform
surgery or other complex procedures.
Time of Use: 1 round for simple attempts. Often will take
several minutes or hours for most repairs. Larger projects will take days.
Specializations: particular machines (Passenger vehicles,
hoverships, aircraft, etc.).
Difficulty: Depends on the action attempted and the condition
of the unit worked on. Default is Moderate (15).
Mechanics is somewhat of a catch-all
skill for the physical repairs of mechanical units. It usually applies
to the actual, moving parts and their engines. Electronics
is to be used for "wired" systems.
Medicine (A)
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours or days.
Prerequisites: Sciences 4D, First Aid 5D, Education 4D
Specializations: Particular areas: cardiology, optomology,
Difficulty: Depends on action attempted. 5 to render
basic aid. 10 to peform advanced aid (patient is Mortally Wounded).
15 to perform light surgery. 20 for basic surgery. 25 for invasive
surgery or to diagnosis a rare disorder. 30 for experimental
or novel work. Penalties may accrue when working in substandard conditions.
Special: Though Medicine is under Knowledge, when the
skill is taken, it is at 1D (not the character's Knowledge skill). At 1D
will be considered a medic or med student. At 2D, a registered Nurse
or an intern. At 3D, a doctor. At 4D, a specialist or experienced
doctor. At 5D and above, the doctor will have a good reputation in
the field, perhaps even be world reknowned.
Medicine represents the whole of medical
sciences, from advanced medic procedures, to surgery, to experimentation
and development. When a character uses the Medicine skill to perform
first aid and basic field/emergency procedures (including light surgery),
it is added to the character's First Aid skill. Furthermore, it may
be added to Physical Sciences rolls when performing biological experiments.
Finally, it may be added to Research skills when doing a medical research
in libraries or with a computer.
GM's may permit characters to take certain
specializations in Medicine without having to meet the prerequisite requirements.
Thus, it may be useful for a Hovership crewman to have Medicine: Cybernetics
in order to treat newly Resuscitated individuals even if the character
lacks the educational background to perform a wider range of procedures.
Program Robot
Time of Use: One to several rounds.
Specializations: Particular models of robots, such
as Servants, Nurses, and Sentinels.
Difficulty: Moderate.
Robotic Programming allows the skilled user
to write behavioral routines and implant commands into a robot's neural
net. This skill is mainly restricted to use in the Real World.
Repair Robot
Time of Use: One to several rounds.
Specializations: Particular models of robots, such as
Servants, Nurses, and Sentinels.
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate depending on the complexity of
the robot and the damage done.
Repair Robot covers the ability to repair
and rebuild robots. This skill is mainly restricted to use in the
Real World. The difficulty depends upon the extent of damage
to the robot. While characters with the Electronics skills
may try to fix some componant parts of a robot, they will generally not
understanding how the whole device works as a whole and will work less
efficiently and with less success.
Time of Use: Usually several rounds, depending on the
nature of the salvage.
Specializations: Particular groups of items, such as computers,
hovercraft parts, weapons etc.
Characters use the Salvage skill when attempting
to scrounge useful items from what others would consider to be trash.
This skill can be used both in and out of the Matrix. In fact, it
is vital to the continuing survival of Zion that resourceful humans salvage
technology from the Machines and mankind's past. The Difficulty
depends on the nature of the salvage and whether the scrounger has the
proper tools.
Time of Use: 1 round to several minutes.
Specializations: Particular security systems.
Difficulty: Easy or higher, depending on the complexity
of the security system involved.
Security represetnts a character's familiarity
with physical security systems (alarms, motion detectors, retinal scanners,
cameras, etc.). The character may design such system or enact counter-measures
to them. This does not include computer security systems however
(passwords, encryption, etc.); for that, the character must employ
the Computer Ops skill.
Weapons Repair
Time of Use: Generally, several minutes to hours.
Specializations: Particular weapon groups: firearms;
heavy weapons; vehicle-mounted weapons, etc.
Difficulty: Easy. May be increased depending on
the complexity of the weapon system and the amount of damage done.
Generally, this represents the ability to diagnosis
a problem with a weapon and fix it. It also may be used to upgrade
or even build new weapons.
TRINITY: Neo, how did you do that?
NEO: Do what?
TRINITY: You moved like they moved. I've never seen anyone
move that fast.
When in the Matrix, a character has the ability to
exceed the limits of his or her physical body. With the proper training
and strength of will, an individual will learn that the only limits that
exist in the Matrix are those placed on oneself by the mind.
There are three main neural attributes that control
an individual's ability to supersede the "physical" limits.
Awareness: this score is added to the character's Perception while in the Matrix. It augments any Perception skills and abilities as well.
Endurance: add these dice to the character's Strength dice whenever a Strength roll is made in the Matrix. Also, these dice may be added to any roll demanding physical or mental endurance, such as Willpower and Intimidation.
Alter Residual Image
Difficulty: Easy for slight changes to Very Difficult for extreme
Time to Use: One round. This ability may be "kept up",
resulting in a -1D to all other actions during this time.
Effect: Alter RI allows the user to change her physical
appearance in the Matrix. If only small changes are made, such as
hair color and clothing, it is a relatively easy task. The difficulty
increases as more complicated changes are attempted: changing sex,
height, body type, race etc. It is rumored that a few Jumpers have
been able to change their appearance to that of animals and inanimate objects,
but no one can support those claims.
Difficulty: Difficult or 2 + Target's Opposed Willpower
Prerequisites: Autonomous programs with this ability need
only to have it added to their code. While this power has never manifested
in a human hacker, it will require at least a Hack the Matrix-6D.
Time to Use: 1D6 rounds, +1 Round for each die of Willpower
that the Target has.
Duration: Permanent.
Effect: This insidious power resembles the ability of
a common biological virus. Like the virus, the user is able to inject
his "being" (in the case of the Matrix, this is the assembled code that
makes up the user's memories and appearence) into another individual within
the Matrix and use the victim's body for its own purposes. The user
essentially recompiles the victim's code so that it appears as the original.
The "new" version of the person with this skill has all of the memories,
abilities, and motivations of the original. In fact, they are identical
in every way and the "new" version is completely autonomous from the first.
The autonomous programs with this ability have been
able to infect a human hacker, rearranging the host's residual image to
appear as the clone-maker. However, the original can then upload
his "program" into the living brain of the human hacker, an act evoking
comparisons to demonic possession. It is uncertain whether the victim
retains any sense of self or can ever be saved. Autonomous programs
can also use this ability co-opt other software agents within the Matrix.
Human hackers that use this ability are essentially
copying their brainwaves into Matrix code and creating a software clone
of themselves. They retain no control over the clone once it is made
(though presumably, it will believe itself as real as the original and
do what it can to help "itself"). It is conceivable that the clone
will begin to act on its own volition, even, perhaps, contrary to the interests
of the original. Basically, it's a psychiatry experiment waiting
to happen...
Hackers should be wary, because if their clone is
capture by the Machines, it may be disassembled to reveal the hacker's
knowledge (about Zion security, tactics, other operatives, etc.).
Difficulty: Easy.
Prerequisites: None.
Effect: Concentration represents a character's
ability to focus her energies on a single action. With a successful
test of this skill, the character can add 4D to any their next action.
Use of this skill counts as an action. Thus, if the action is undertaken
in the same round, there is a -1D penalty (to both the Concentration roll
and the next action). If the character
Concentrates one round
and then acts the next, there is no penalty. If the character is
distracted (wounded, etc.) before the action can be taken, she loses the
bonus from the Concentration roll.
Flight (A)
Difficulty: Depends on the type of flight: see below:
Prerequisites: Hack the Matrix-6D.
Effect: Flight is the fantastic ability to completely
defy the physical laws of the Matrix and propel onself through the air
like, well, like Superman. Most human hackers don't even
believe that this skill is possible (hence, they will never achieve it
themselves). Others believe that only the "One" could ever disregard
the rules of the Matrix so blatantly. However, it is likely that
there are some gifted hackers who would be able to achieve some degree
of flight.
This power creates a palpable disruption in the
Matrix. Not only will it shock any onlooker who happens to see the
hacker flying through the air, but the System itself will sense the disturbance
and be able to track it.
Levitation (straight up and down "flight") | Easy (2) |
True Flight (approx. 200 mph) | Moderate (3) |
Speeding Flight (approx 600 mph) | Difficult (4) |
Mach Flight (speed of sound) | V. Difficult (5) |
Light Speed | Heroic (10) |
Note: Creative GM's may require a Dexterity or Acrobatics roll for the flyer to land gracefully.
Hack the Matrix ("Hacking")
Difficulty: Varies, depending on the "impossibility" of the
action (see below for examples).
Prerequisites: None. This skill level can never exceed
the character's Faith skill by more than 2D.
Time to Use: One round.
Effect: The Matrix is governed by physical laws just as the
Realworld is. However, most Hackers quickly realize that they are
only limited by their minds' expectations of reality in the Matrix rather
than the fact of it. Enlightened Hackers understand that they can
bend the rules that apply in the Real World.
With Hack the Matrix, the character may attempt
seemingly impossible things, such as jumping from skyscraper to skyscraper
or stopping bullets in midair. Some of the applied uses of this ability
are listed here:.
Difficulties & Effects |
Facilitate Jump | Easy to reduce the difficulty of the jump by 1. |
Moderate to reduce it by 2. | |
Difficult to reduce by 3. | |
Very Difficult to reduce by 5. | |
Cancel Kinetic Energy | Easy + Opposing STR roll to stop a opponent's punch from causing damage. |
Moderate to cancel the effects of a fall up to 10 stories (add 1 to the Difficulty for each additional 5 stories). | |
Heroic to stop bullets in midair (only one ability check need be made in a round to stop all bullets coming from one direction). |
Note that "Cancel Kinetic Energy" requires a concentrated effort where as other damage-reducing Matrix Skills, such as Resiliency, are automatic and do not require a concentrated action.
Difficulty: Easy for Stunned characters. Moderate for
Wounded. Difficult for Incapacitated. Very Difficult for Mortally
Wounded. Heroic for Dead.
Prerequisites: None.
Time to Use: One round.
Effect: With this ability, a Jumper can heal the wounds another
appears to have taken in the Matrix. If the healer is successful,
she decreases the target's wound level by one. Furthermore, the wound
level is reduced by one for every 5 points by which the skill check exceeds
the Difficulty number.
Juice (Strength or Dexterity)
Time of Use: 1 round to concentrate inner energies and
"juice" the chosen Attribute.
Difficulty: See below.
Duration: 1D6 Rounds.
Limitations: After Juice has been activated, the
character will become a little light-headed from the exertion.
He will suffer -1D to all actions for 1/2 hour.
With a successful use, a person with this skill
may temporarily augment one of his physical characteristics (chosen when
the power is activated) according to the table below.
Easy | +1D | |
Moderate | +2D | |
Difficult | +3D | |
Very Difficult | +4D | |
For every additional Difficult Level (+5), the effect is extended an additional 1D6 Rounds. |
Magnify Senses
Difficulty: Easy.
Prerequisites: None.
Time to Use: One round to active. This power may
be "kept up" for 1d6 rounds plus a number of round equal to the skill
check - 10.
Effect: This skill permits the user to enhance his perceptive
abilities for a short time while in the Matrix.
Lowlite Vision | Easy | The target can see as well in complete darkness (including underground) as he would during the day. |
Jacked Senses | Moderate | Increases the acuity of all of the target's physical senses, granting a +3D to Search and Tracking rolls. |
Rapid Processing | Moderate | Character is able to quickly process sensed stimuli in the Matrix. Thus, bullets or blows will seem to move more slowly and the character's reaction time will seem enhanced. Gives +1D to all Dodge rolls for the round activated and the character decides initiative for the next round as if his Perception were 3D higher. |
Complete Sight | Difficult | Grants the ability to see through objects as if they were not there ("X-Ray vision"), as well as to see camouflaged or cloaked objects. |
Farsight | Very Difficult | Permits the target to "see" anywhere in the Matrix (or discrete Node) where she has been before (and can visualize). People in that spot may make a Difficult Perception check to see if they get the "feeling they are being watched." This may also be tracked back to the user by the Machines. |
Manipulation (A) [Inert Matter/Fire/Water/Electricity/Temperature]
Difficulty: Moderate or higher, depending on the type of Manipulation
Prerequisites: Sense Code-4D; Hack the Matrix-6D.
Time to Use: 1D6 rounds of concentration. More for complex
Manipulation attempts.
Effect: This incredible ability appears only in the most gifted
of the human resistance: it is the power to actually manipulate certain
kinds of Matrix code and alter them at will. The hacker has a special
insight into a particular kind of code (which must be chosen from the bracketed
categories above) and can manipulate it with a concentrated effort.
For example, a hacker with Manipulation: Inert Matter can concentrate
on a rock while within the Matrix and change its shape. It will still
retain the properties of a rock, but it can be made round, or square, or
sculpted into any number of shapes. A hacker with Manipulation:
Fire can control the code that represents flame in the Matrix, expanding
it to create a broad conflageration or reducing it until it is extinguished.
Manipulation appears only in very highly
sensitive hackers and requires a great deal of training to be used with
any proficiency. Like the deja-vu effect that occurs whenever the
Machines make changes to the Matrix, Manipulations can result in "system
blips" that can be detected by the Machines and other sensitives in the
Difficulty: Easy.
Prerequisites: None.
Time to Use: One round. This ability may be "kept up".
Effect: Map allows the character to keep a very precise
mental map of the Matrix in her memory for ready use. This may be
extremely helpful when attempting to escape or evade Agents and to find
necessary areas in the program. It essentially works like a well
defined street map of the area in which the Jumper is active. It
also lays out electrical lines, sewers, building blueprints, and, perhaps
most important, telephone hardlines which allow access to and from the
Postcognition ("RAM Dig")
Difficulty: Variable.
Prerequisites: Sense Code.
Time to Use: 4D6 minutes
Duration: Will see one "event" or "scene" attached to
a given place, object or person.
Description: Everything that occurs in the Matrix is recorded,
kept in the Leviathan's memory. With this ability, the Hacker may
attempt into that memory and read the past of a person, object or place
by touching it and concentrating. The character will "experience"
images in her mind. The clarity of the experience increases with
greater success of attempt. A minimal success may leave the Hacker with
a vague impression of what occurred, while a fine success will be like
she was actually there in the room when the event occurred.
Difficulty: Easy (10) for events within 24 hours.
Moderate (15) for events within 1 week. Difficult (20) for events
within 1 year. Very Difficult (25) for events within 10 years.
Heroic (50) for events within the past few thousand years.
Phasing ("Ghosting")
Difficulty: Moderate to completely phase. Difficult
to phase only one part of the body at a time. Also, Difficulty should
incrase when the user attempts to perform "tricks" with the skill, such
as phasing through part of a moving car only to re-corporate in the passenger
Prerequisites: Sense Code-4D; Hack the Matrix-4D
Time of Use: Immediate (requires 1 Action).
Duration: The user must make a new roll each round this
power is active (i.e., it cannot be automatically "kept up"). Human
users of this skill must still breathe (most hackers breathe while in the
Matrix and it requires an amazing feat of willpower to stop doing so).
Thus, most can only use this skill for a minute or two before having to
stop and catch their breath.
Description: The user of this skill is able to render
his body incorporeal for brief periods while in the Matrix. While
phased, the user of this skill can pass through any solid object and cannot
be harmed by any physical weapons (such as knives, bullets, flame, speeding
cars, etc.). The user cannot touch or harm others as well (bullets
fired from a phased gun remain phased, etc.). The user may use Phasing
to avoid attacks rather than attempting to Dodge or Block.
This amazing power is rarely seen in the Matrix
and was only recently discovered to exist in a pair of autonomous programs
known as "The Twins". It is still uncertain whether a human
hacker (other than "The One") would have the mental strength to perform
it. Because this power requires such a departure from the physical
laws that govern the Matrix, it is likely that prolonged use will attract
unwanted attention from the system.
Predictive Modeling
Difficulty: Very Difficult.
Prerequisites: Sense Code.
Time to Use: 1 + 1D6 rounds (1 to make an Easy Sense Code
check and 1d6 rounds to attempt Predictive Modeling).
Effect: With this skill, a Jumper may attempt to
predict the actions of the Computer and its minions. This may be
useful in evading pursuit or planning an attack. The Computer is
incredibly intelligent though and can change its "mind" without warning
if new data are considered, thus even a successful use of this skill does
not ensure that the Jumper will know for certain what will occur.
Resiliency (A)
Difficulty: Amount of damage deflected depends on the die roll
achieved (see below).
Prerequisites: Hack the Matrix 2D.
Time to Use: Automatic.
Effect: Resiliency reflect's a user's ability to deflect
physical damage done to her while in the Matrix. Essentially, the
user's unconscious mind has developed enough recognition about the reality
of the Matrix to disregard a certain amount of damage. However, as
the user grows accustomed to ignoring potentially damaging attacks in the
Matrix, they may suffer a greater shock when they are actually damaged.
Thus, every time someone with this skill is seriously damaged (Wounded
or worse), they must make a Faith check in order to avoid being given a
Skeptic Point. To decide the Difficulty for the Faith Check, the
GM should roll the character's Resiliency skill; if the character
fails to beat that roll with the Faith Check, the character acquires a
Skeptic Point.
A user with this skill automatically reduces damage
done according to the following chart:
Damage Reduction |
1-10 | -1D |
11-15 | -2D |
16-20 | -3D |
21-25 | -4D |
26+ | Subtract 1 additional die for each 5 points above 26. |
Sense Code
Difficulty: Moderate.
Prerequisites: None.
Effect: When the Jumper focuses his senses he can actually
see the binary code that makes up the Matrix. This is particularly
helpful when trying to distinguish between whether the Jumper is looking
at the Residual Image of a real person or the code that compiles one of
the Computer's minions.
NEO: What?
Are you trying to tell me that I can dodge bullets?
Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have
Difficulty: See below:
Prerequisites: Hack the Matrix (at least 2D).
Time to Use: One round. Use of
Speed does not count
as an action unless the character fails her roll.
Effect: Speed augments a character's quickness to unnatural
levels. With it, the character can either increase his movement rate (see
below). Often, the character will move so quickly that everyone around
her will appear to be frozen in place.
Successes |
1 additional actions and add 10 to the character's base movement rate for this round OR Add Speed Dice -1D to Dodge rolls for this round. |
2 additional actions and add 20 to movement OR Add Speed Dice to Dodge rolls for this round. |
3 additional actions and add 30 to movement. ORAdd Speed Dice +2D to Dodge rolls for this round and +1 Action. |
4 additional actions and add 40 to movement OR Add Speed Dice + 4D to Dodge rolls for this round and +2 actions. |
Prerequisites: None.
Time to Use: One round. Once activated, this power may
be kept up (for lifiting objects, etc.)
Effect: Telekinesis allows the user to manipulate
"physical" objects in the Matrix. This may be include, lifting, moving,
throwing, or physically damaging objects. When used as a physical
attack, its Strength is equal to the Difficulty level attained (does not
have to be declared before the attempt).
Very Easy | Lifting a single object that weighs less than a pound (a pencil, a spoon, etc.) and performing a simple action (spinning it slightly, bending it). |
Easy | Lifting an object that weighs under 10 lbs or a few small objects that will move in concert; performing moderate actions (like throwing them at a target). |
Moderate | Lifting an object that weighs under 100 lbs or multiple small objects that will move in concert; or performing complicated actions (like opening a lock, driving a car, etc.) |
Difficult | Lifting an object that weighs under 300 lbs or moving multiple smaller objects in complicated ways. |
Very Difficult | Lifting very heavy objects (under 2000 lb) or moving multiple smaller objects in extremely complicated and apparently random ways. |
Difficulty: Easy with willing minds. Moderate on unwilling (or
unknowing) minds. Moderate + opposing Willpower roll on unreceptive
Prerequisites: Hack the Matrix (at least 3D).
Time to Use: One round. Once established, this power may
be kept up.
Effect: Telepathy allows the user to read the thoughts
of another and project hers into other's minds. These are usually
only the surface thoughts. To dig deeper into someone's memories,
the telepath must make a Difficult roll. In effect, the character
is using the linked structure of the Matrix to access another's mind through
their shared cybernetic connection. Obviously, this opens up the
telepath to being traced or mentally attacked. No one has ever attempted
to contact an Agent telepathically (and no one will likely live to tell
of the attempt).