How Many: Input the number
of dice rolls you would like to make (the roller can only calculate rolls
with the same number of dice and pips each time).
#Dice: Number of dice to be rolls.
E.g. If you wish to roll for a character with a Firearms skills of
7D, enter 7.
Pips: Number of pips to be added
to the final results. E.g. If you wish to roll for a character
with 7D+2 Firearms skill, input 2.
Target: Input the Target or Difficulty
Number (if none is entered, the program assumes 0)
Rolls: Gives the results of each
"die" roll and adds them together. The Wild Die is rerolled if it
equals 6 and the subsequent rolls are added to the total. If a 1
is rolled on the Wild Die, the Roller subtracts the 1 and the highest die
and then re-rolls to check for a complication. If a complication
comes up, it will tell you.
Success?: Informs you of a success
or failure.